Contact Form


Let us first be clear who is making contact with whom.

You are a principal (or acting on behalf of) who owns or controls a company, business, corporation with an annual sales turnover of between 20 to 100 million dollars. The company is fully leveraged; with only the instruments of ownership (shares of stock) being unpledged. The Company operates in a sector which has not been shut down by the current economic recession. The company's business model was successful prior to the recession and promises to be again as the recession ends.

We are principals who have owned/controled/funded/reorganised/operated a number of businesses in your size range. Our intention as of January 2010 is to become closely involved with a few promissing cash strapped business, working with owners and current management in a way which will help secure your company's passage through the remainder of this recession; as well as strengthen the company so it can compete and grow in the coming economic recovery. We have within our ranks all the means necessary to accomplish this.

We invite you to copntact us by means of the form below. You need not give any more information than what is marked by a red asterisks. What we are looking for now is enough general information to help us decide if it is worthwhile going forward. Should we decide to go further we are prepared to act quickly.

Your Email Address:
(Important you type it here - or we will not have it)


Your Full Name:

Company Name:

Company Address

Your Telephone Numbers
(including national & local dialing codes):

*What is the company's primary business
(example: Manufacturing - Electronics - Communications)
if more than one, please list:

*Annual sales (gross revnue) for 2007, 8, 9:

*EBITDA for 2007, 8, 9
(Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization):

*List your company's 5 largest costs, in order of size:
(eg: raw materials, payroll, subcontracting, utilities, services)

The greatest challenges you see facing your business/company/industry:

*Can your principals be avaivalable to speak with our principals
by telephone on short notice?
If not please suggest alternative.

By submitting this form you are not suggesting that your company needs the sort of
assistance we have outlined here, nor do we assume so. We will hold all information given
here, and all future information you may make available to us in strictest confidence,
divulging it to no one beyond our immediate principals, partners and executives.